Panel Borders and other podcasts

Panel Borders and other podcasts

Podcasts, radio shows, writing and more by Alex Fitch

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Panel Borders: The Last Driver of Insect Cowboys

September 20, 2016

Excerpts from The Last Driver by Chris Baker and Shaky Kane and Cowboys and Insects by Kane and David Hine / Kane, Fitch and Baker at Safari Festival

Excerpts from The Last Driver by Chris Baker and Shaky Kane and Cowboys and Insects by Kane and David Hine / Kane, Fitch and Baker at Safari Festival

The Last Driver of Insect Cowboys: In the first episode of the tenth series of Panel Borders, Alex Fitch talks to Chris Baker and Shaky Kane about their comic The Last Driver from Dead Canary Comics, currently on Kickstarter, which combines 1960s road movies with giant irritated monsters. Kane also discusses his latest collaboration with David Hine – Cowboys and Insects – which is about to receive a new print edition; interview recorded at Safari Festival, August 2016.
(Panel Borders continues on the 1st Wednesday of each month at 5.30pm, repeated the following Sunday at 6am. Partially broadcast on Resonance 104.4 FM, 7th September 2016)

For more info and a variety of formats to stream or download this podcast, please visit

Links: Last Driver Kickstarter campaign
Review of David Hine and Shaky Kane’s Cowboys and Insects