Panel Borders and other podcasts

Panel Borders and other podcasts

Podcasts, radio shows, writing and more by Alex Fitch

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Panel Borders: Transformers and Translators

October 11, 2023

Transformers, Venom and The Ultimates art by Bryan Hittch / Ivanka Hahnenberger at Bologna comics fair / covers of graphic novels translated by Ivanka

Transformers, Venom and The Ultimates art by Bryan Hittch / Ivanka Hahnenberger at Bologna comics fair / covers of graphic novels translated by Ivanka

Transformers And Translators: In the first of this year’s autumn series of Panel Borders, Alex Fitch talks to Bryan Hitch, a comics artist renowned for his work on Transformers and super-hero titles, and to Ivanka Hahnenberger who has translated numerous award-winning European graphic novels into English, and works in promoting the medium at various events. Recorded at the Lakes International Comic Art Festival, and Cartoon County, Brighton.

Originally broadcast 6th September 2023 on Resonance 104.4 FM / DAB (London)

For more formats to stream or download, please visit

Links: Reviews of books translated by Ivanka Hahnenberger
Info about Hahnenberger’s company V.I.P. Brands who promote comics and graphic novels
Bryan Hitch’s profile on Marvel and DC Comics websites
Hitch’s instagram site

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