Panel Borders and other podcasts

Panel Borders and other podcasts

Podcasts, radio shows, writing and more by Alex Fitch

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Panel Borders: Yetis, ghosts and other things that go bump in the night!

March 11, 2010

Panel Borders:

Yetis, ghosts and other things that go bump in the night!

Edited version broadcast 11/03/10 as an episode of Strip! on Resonance 104.4 FM

Panels from Operation Robot Storm (c) Alex Milway and Salem Brownstone (c) Nikhil Singh and John Dunning

Panels from Operation Robot Storm (c) Alex Milway and Salem Brownstone (c) Nikhil Singh and John Dunning

Continuing children’s book month on the show, Alex Fitch talks to two creators of atypical titles for kids, which are being published by Walker Books. John Dunning is the writer of Salem Brownstone: All along the watchtowers, a Graphic Album in the European format which combines his script in the style of American horror writers H.P. Lovecraft and Edgar Allan Poe with Nikhil Singh’s elegant artwork, reminiscent of Victorian illustrators such as Aubrey Beardsley. Salem Brownstone was originally serialised in the small press anthology Sturgeon White Moss and Alex talks to John about the process of creating this unusual title.
Alex Milway is the author of The Mousehunter trilogy of pirate novels for young adults and in his new series of books – The Mythical 9th Division – which tell the tales of a trio of crimefighting Yetis who work for the British government, he is pioneering a new kind of storytelling in which every chapter of the books segues from sequential art into more traditional text. The two Alexs talk about the first of the Yeti books – Operation Robot Storm – which is being released in June and how comics can be used as another device to get kids into reading.

For more info about this podcast and a variety of formats you can stream or download, please visit the home of this episode at

Links: Alex Milwayprofile and info about Operation Robot Storm on Walker Books’ website
The Mousehunter website / blog
Old Hokey’s Whimsical tales blog

John Dunning – Interview with John & Nikhil on
Info on Salem Brownstone and John Dunning on Walker Books’ website
Forbidden Planet International review
Interview with Nikhil about his Visa traumas at

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Collected Comics Library podcast

The podcast: Collected Comics Library, has been a weekly staple for almost 5 years now, Chris Marshall blogs and podcasts about Collected Editions and reprints.

Last month saw Chris do a special four part series on the career of Spider-Man co-creator Steve Ditko, covering his time working for Marvel in the 50s and 60s, his tenure at DC and return to Charlton Comics in the 70s and 80s, his return to Marvel and Independant work from the 80s to the end of his career, plus Chris chats to Craig Yoe about his book The Art of Ditko.

The Collected Comics Library also has its own iPhone app which is well worth downloading if you’re a fan of the show

CCL Podcast #256-259 – The Career of Steve Ditko

Seqalab Express – Savannah College of Art and Design’s comics podcast

Students of the Savannah College of Art and Design’s SEQuential Art course interview comics creators and professionals to see what makes them tick. In the latest episode Jarrett and Kevin sit down with Wook-Jin (Hunter) Clark and discuss his new book from SCAD friendly publisher Oni Press.

Seqalab Express
: Wook-Jin Clark

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6 notes

  1. Comics podcasts | Panel Borders and other podcasts reblogged this and added:

    […] (Phonogram / Cable) Jim Medway (The DFC) Mike Mignola (Hellboy / Bram Stoker’s Dracula) Alex Milway (The Mythical 9th Division / The Mousehunter) Rutu Modan (Exit Wounds) – interview by Ariel […]

  2. Reality Check: Modern childrens comics | Panel Borders and other podcasts reblogged this and added:

    […] to Alex Fitch’s interviews with Alex Milway and Paul […]

  3. Reality Check: Modern children’s comics at Resonance FM Podcasts reblogged this and added:

    […] to Alex Fitch’s interviews with Alex Milway and Paul […]

  4. Comics podcasts | Panel Borders and other podcasts reblogged this and added:

    […] Medaglia (Dot Comics) Jim Medway (The DFC) Mike Mignola (Hellboy / Bram Stoker’s Dracula) Alex Milway (The Mythical 9th Division / The Mousehunter) Rutu Modan (Exit Wounds) – interview by Ariel […]

  5. Comics podcasts | Panel Borders and other podcasts reblogged this and added:

    […] (Phonogram / Cable) Jim Medway (The DFC) Mike Mignola (Hellboy / Bram Stoker’s Dracula) Alex Milway (The Mythical 9th Division / The Mousehunter) Rutu Modan (Exit Wounds) – interview by Ariel […]

  6. Panel Borders: Comics Unmasked | Panel Borders and other podcasts reblogged this and added:

    […] Links: Info about Comics Unmasked on the British Library website Dave McKean’s website Info about Pictures that tick 2: Short Narrative Exhibition on Dark House Comics’ website Previous interviews with Paul Gravett, Dave McKean and John Dunning […]